Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap And The Net Will Appear

Hello Universe! 

I thought posting my first ever blog entry on Leap Day 2012 was appropriate because I plan to only post every four years…KIDDING! I feel posting my first entry today is a unique and great way to end February 2012 and start off March 2012 right. The beginning of the New Year I would still say.

So I did a little Leap Day/Year research cause we all know we get an extra day during a Leap Year but do we know why? I sure didn’t – still kind of don’t. Apparently it helps keep our calendar aligned with the earth’s revolutions around the sun and without Leap Year we’d lose time. Anyone still confused? Well join the club! I’ll just nod along happily confused yet grateful for another day on this earth! An extra day - an extra treat!

Leap Day is a fun, random, magical day full of traditions from all over the world apparently. In Ireland it’s tradition for women to propose to their men on this day! Cool, huh? Oh how I love when society’s conventional idea of what love is supposed to be is flipped on its head.

The tradition I’m implementing this Leap Day and hopefully every day from here on out is to “Leap and net will appear.” This quote has come into my life through two wonderful channels so far - the lovely Jason Mraz song “Make It Mine” and when Julia Cameron talks about the power of synchronicity and the abundant universe when it comes your art her book The Artists’s Way. That if you take the leap, the net will indeed appear. So this is my leap.

Publishing my various artistic passions for the world to see. It’s terrifying and a baby leap but I’m taking it on LEAP DAY – how appropriate and punny! HA!

“As you work with the tools in this book, as you undertake the weekly tasks, many changes will be set in motion. Chief among these changes will be the triggering of synchronicity: we change and the universe furthers and expands that change. I have an irreverent shorthand for this that I keep taped to my writing desk: "Leap, and the net will appear."

It is my experience both as an artist and as a teacher that when we move out on faith into the act of creation, the universe is able to advance. It is a little like opening the gate at the top of a field irrigation system. Once we remove the blocks, the flow moves in.” – Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way - under Spiritual Electricity: The Basic Principles)

I’m ready for the flow. I’m removing the blocks bit by bit. Showing up at the page day by day. Filling the form. Taking the leap (or baby leap) each day that I scrounge up the courage to do so.

So this is me – finally taking the leap! Here I go…


This goat is my hero!